Urgent news for migraine and tension headache sufferers...
Impossible? Hardly - it's happening right now.
Keep reading to learn how this holistic remedy has helped people from all walks of life enjoy permanent headache relief ...and how it can help you, too.
Dear Friend,
I know why you're here. You've been to your doctor. Neurologists. Maybe other health professionals, too.
And they've failed to get rid of your headaches. All those expensive prescriptions and treatments did nothing to get you your old life back.
So now, out of desperation, you've been searching the Internet and have found this site.
Well, your search for lasting relief is over. I've developed a technique that actually works to get rid of chronic headaches.
Now, I know you're skeptical. After all you've been through, who can blame you? But nevertheless, I really do have an answer for chronic tension headaches and migraines.
I call it the Gentle Hands Technique. I've used it successfully on over a thousand patients over the last 10 years. It's so effective, people from all over the world have come to me for treatment.
And until recently, seeing me personally was the only way I could help you.
But now - after over a year of development - I've created a DVD that shows you how to take advantage of this revolutionary procedure in the comfort of your own home.
I'll tell you more about how it works in a moment, but first I want to answer a question you probably have...
How come my doctor doesn't know about this Gentle Hands technique?
The answer is most doctors don't really know what causes tension headaches and migraines. They prescribe pills designed to mask your pain, but these drugs don't get to the root of the problem.
But "Gentle Hands" does. It takes away your headaches so you can work out at the gym...watch your favorite TV shows...play with your kids...or take part in your favorite activities free from headache pain.
It works by...
Rooting out the true cause of your chronic headaches
Let me ask you a question: Is the back of your neck tight? I'll bet it is. Your shoulders and upper back are probably tight, too.
If you're like a lot of people, your upper body is tight because of the work you do all day.
Chances are you spend the week working at a computer terminal, or you're on the phone a lot.
One way or another, odds are your job makes you hunch over and jut out your head. And that causes you to roll your shoulders in...which in turn causes your back to get all stretched out.
Obviously, this is abnormal positioning. And it puts tremendous strain on your upper body.
As a result of all that strain, chances are you've developed...
Chronic poor posture - the root cause of tension headaches and most migraines
You see, poor posture - especially at work - causes your neck, shoulder and upper back muscles to go out of balance. As a result they tighten up and develop spasms.
And that's what's most likely causing your chronic headaches - tight and spasmed muscles in your neck, shoulders and upper back.
They cause your headaches by irritating nerve endings and restricting blood flow to the back of your head.
(It's like stepping on a turned-on garden hose.)
So what you've got to do is restore normal blood flow to the back of your head and eliminate the irritation to your nerve endings....and you do that by restoring balance in the muscles of your upper body.
And that's exactly what my Gentle Hands DVD does for you. It shows you a gentle massage-like technique that will rebalance your muscles so your headaches go away...plus some simple stretches that will correct your posture and prevent your muscles from going out of balance again.
That way your headaches will stay away.
How my Gentle Hands Technique gets rid of tension headaches and migraines
Gentle Hands involves using a series of "soft" moves on specific muscles or precise points in the upper body to create a flow of energy.
This flow of energy removes blockages and restores balance in the body, which in turn gets rid of headache-causing muscle spasms.
The result - your headaches go away.
But headache relief isn't the only benefit you'll get with "Gentle Hands." It will also give you...
- Upright posture (you'll feel much better and look more attractive)
- Core spinal strength (you can perform daily activities without undue strain)
- Enhanced organ function (you'll have more endurance and suffer less fatigue)
- A feeling of ease and contentment (you'll be at peace and feel great
The bottom line is when you're in a state of severe muscular imbalance - the kind of imbalance that causes chronic headaches - you're like a car that's driven with the emergency brake on. Sure, you can drive, but you go slower and it takes far more energy...there's more wear and tear...and eventually it will cause damage.
Until very recently, you would have had to visit me personally to release your inner emergency brake.
But now you don't have to go through all that trouble and expense...
My New DVD Shows You How to Get Rid of Migraines and Chronic Tension Headaches Using the Gentle Hands Technique
This technique is holistic, totally safe and doesn't hurt a bit.
I've been treating my chronic tension headache and migraine patients for the past 10 years using the exact same Gentle Hands technique I teach you in the DVD.
It's a technique I developed based on the work of Australian osteopath Tom Bowen, who passed away in 1982. Since that time numerous other health practitioners have put their own spin on Bowen's work, some of whom have given instruction to other health professionals.
I've studied under a couple of these professionals. And as a result of those studies, I developed my Gentle Hands Technique, which is so easy a child can learn how to do it in minutes.
However, please understand that it requires assistance.
But that person does not need a background in massage or any medical training. The only thing needed is my DVD, which shows me performing Gentle Hands on someone.
Getting Holistic Headache Relief
Without Assistance
While you will need someone to perform "Gentle Hands" on you, there is a technique you can do on yourself that often greatly alleviates or gets rid of a headache entirely.
What you do is perform some specific moves on anatomical points on your face, head and neck.
Can you imagine?
Just by "rubbing" - in a very specific way - areas of your head, face and neck, you can get headache relief.
You'll find exact instructions in the Gentle Hands DVD. here...
"I wholeheartedly endorse Paul's headache program to anyone suffering from chronic tension headaches. I worked with Paul for many years, so I've seen first-hand how effective his program is. "
- Dr. Robert Erwin, M.D., Elko, Nevada, USA
Here's what this simple technique will do for you
- Eliminate the primary cause of chronic tension headaches and migraines - it's gentle and painless, unlike typical deep tissue massage...and you only have to undergo it once or twice a week (typically, after a few twice-a-week sessions, your headaches will be gone)
- Relax your muscles at a deep level (you'll develop a stronger sense of ease and calm)
- Increase your circulation (so you have more energy and vitality)
- Help restore proper posture (you'll look more attractive and feel better)
Now, obviously it's one thing to get your posture restored, but another to keep it restored. That's where the second part of my DVD comes in...
My DVD Shows You Some Simple Stretches and Exercises That Will Keep Your Posture in Check
The Gentle Hands technique I've been talking about is part one of my DVD.
Part two shows you some drop-dead simple stretches that will enable you to maintain proper posture.
Maintaining proper posture is critical because if you revert back to poor posture - which has likely caused your headaches in the first place - your headaches will just come back.
These stretches and exercises are very easy to perform. You won't need any expensive equipment. You won't have to join a gym. And they only take a few minutes to do.
In this section of the DVD, you'll discover:
- The big mistake most people make when they try to correct their posture, and what you should do to instead (hint: just jutting out your chest is NOT good posture...and can actually cause chronic headaches)
- How to improve your posture with a broomstick
- A simple behind-the-back stretch that will stretch out your chest so you can maintain proper posture more easily (it only takes 30 seconds...do it a few times a day every day and you'll have ramrod straight posture in no time)
- What you need to do to keep your neck from tightening up if you have to sit all day (it's another stretch that takes about 30 seconds and if you do this throughout the day, you'll stay nice and loose)
- Two simple exercises that will strengthen your back so you can maintain proper posture for hours at a time (no need to join a gym; just get an inexpensive exercise band and use it a few minutes a day twice a week or so)
Doing these simple stretches regularly will ensure you'll develop the strength and endurance to maintain proper posture. Coupled with my Gentle Hands technique, you'll have everything you need to get permanent relief from chronic tension headaches and migraines.
"Paul was kind enough to visit my practice and show me how to use his "gentle hands" technique on people suffering from daily headaches and other kinds of chronic pain.
"My patients love it, and it's completely transformed my practice."
Robin Churchill, Naturopath, Penngrove, CA
What you get with my "Gentle Hands" Headache DVD
- Easy-to-follow footage of me performing Gentle Hands to help you banish chronic headaches from your life
- Simple instructions on how to do a quick and easy technique on specific head, neck and facial points that can greatly reduce or get rid of a headache (and you can do this technique on yourself!)
- A rebalanced upper body that will boost your immune system and give you a lasting sense of calm and wellbeing
- Better circulation for more energy
- The restoration of proper posture for better health and a more attractive appearance
- Directions on how to perform exercises and stretches that will help you maintain your newly restored posture
My Gentle Hands DVD is $84.50 - not much more than a night on the town.
I'm so sure it will get rid of your headaches, I'm unconditionally guaranteeing the program for a full 60 days. That way you don't risk one red cent.
So try it for two full months. If it doesn't work, return it for a hassle-free refund.
You owe it to yourself to give my headache DVD a shot
Look, I know you're skeptical.
Who can blame you? After all, you've tried everything, spent a lot of money and are still suffering from chronic headaches.
But that doesn't change the facts: This program works and I guarantee it.
So try it for two full months. If it doesn't get rid of your headaches, just let me know and I'll make sure you get a refund for the full purchase price.
And don't forget, you get to keep the entire Chronic Pain Prevention Kit, even if you return the DVD.
Thanks for taking the time to read this - I really appreciate it.
In good health,
Paul Bacho, AT, ATC, MA

Questions? E-mail us at doug at tensionheadaches dot com or call 707-395-0840
For obvious reasons, we cannot assume the medical or legal responsibility of having the contents of the Gentle Hands "How To Get Permanent Relief From Chronic Tension Headaches" DVD or any other material on this site, considered as a prescription for anyone. Treatment of illness must be supervised by a physician or other licensed health professional. Accordingly, either you, or the professional who examines and treats you, must take the responsibility for the uses made of "How To Get Permanent Relief From Chronic Tension Headaches" DVD and/or any other material on this site.